
Signature Style 101: How to Define Your Personal Fashion Aesthetics

Do you ever find yourself staring into your closet, wondering what your true style really is? Maybe you’ve got bohemian pieces mixed in with preppy staples or a mix of edgy and feminine pieces. But when you’re trying to mix and match those pieces, you often end up feeling like you don’t have a cohesive style. Let me introduce you to the concept of a personal fashion aesthetic. This is the foundation of your style, the thread that ties all of your clothing choices together. Your personal fashion aesthetic is a reflection of who you are and what you want to convey to the world through your clothing.

The key here is to find your own unique aesthetic, not just follow the latest trends. But how can you define your personal fashion aesthetic? Here are a few steps to get you started.

Explore Inspiration

Fashion inspiration can come from anywhere – a vintage movie, a stroll in nature, or even a piece of art. Keep your eyes open and let your surroundings spark your creativity. Browse through fashion magazines, follow style influencers on social media, and create mood boards to visualize your inspirations. Take note of the colors, styles, textures, patterns, and silhouettes that inspire you the most. Pay attention to how certain combinations make you feel – confident, empowered, or playful. Let these insights guide you toward defining the essence of your personal style.

Find Unique Pieces That You Really Love

When it comes to defining your personal fashion aesthetic, finding unique pieces that you truly love is key. These are the items that make you feel confident and express your individuality. Explore local boutiques, vintage shops, or online stores for one-of-a-kind finds that speak to your style sensibilities. Embrace your creativity to mix pieces of high-end designer with thrifted gems for a look that’s all your own. For instance, you can try statement pieces like a bold coat, quirky accessories, or standout shoes that can elevate even the simplest outfit. These special items can become signature elements of your wardrobe and set you apart from the crowd.

Consider Your Lifestyle

Your daily activities, job requirements, and social events should all play a role in shaping your signature style. Think about what you do on a typical day – are you constantly running between meetings or do you have a more relaxed schedule? This will help determine whether tailored suits or casual chic pieces better suit your lifestyle. See, if your workplace is more into corporate ones, you might opt for classic pieces with a modern twist. If it’s creative and laid-back, feel free to experiment with bolder colors and statement accessories.

Find Your Colors

Other than that, finding the colors that speak to you is also the key. Your color palette can truly set the tone for your signature style and make a statement without saying a word. Consider what colors make you feel confident and comfortable when wearing them. Are you drawn to vibrant hues that pop, or do you prefer more muted tones that exude sophistication? Pay attention to how different colors make you feel and reflect on what emotions they evoke in you. Whether you gravitate towards bold reds, calming blues, or earthy neutrals, finding your colors can help streamline your shopping decisions and ensure that everything in your closet aligns with your personal fashion aesthetic.

Experiment With Trends

FashionFashion is ever-evolving, and trends come and go. Embracing new trends can add a fresh twist to your signature style. Experimenting with different trends allows you to stay current while still staying true to your personal aesthetic. Remember that defining your personal fashion aesthetic is an ongoing process. Stay inspired by exploring new styles, finding unique pieces that speak to you, considering your lifestyle needs, identifying your color palette, and experimenting with trends. By following these steps and staying true to yourself, you’ll develop a signature style that truly reflects who you are.


Tips on What to Look For in A Good Hairstylist

Do you want a stylist who will know what lovely 4c hair products to get you looking stunning? You will need to consider various elements before getting a good hairstylist. Nowadays, there is a broad list of individuals who claim to offer hair styling services. However, not every one of them guarantees high-quality results.
Below is a list of considerations to make when you want to get the best hairstylists regardless of your location.

Their Level of Professionalism

hairstylistHiring a trained professional for any job is always advantageous, especially if you expect to get quality results. A specialist will be willing to offer licensed services and provide his/her credentials for transparency. Some of the best hairstylists should be easy to find, especially if you are an avid social network user. Social media platforms are some of the best places to look for a specialist. Depending on how a particular domain operates or functions, it’s easy to determine an individual’s work quality from analyzing feedback on his/her profile.

How They Conduct Themselves

nyweleOnce you manage to create a list of potential hair stylists, reach out to each one and inquire about their work experience, services they provide, and their charges. During this period, pay keen attention to how each one of them behaves and handles themselves. It’s easy to learn more about a person’s conduct from the way they converse themselves.

A professional will want to assess your hair first before suggesting any styles. Such actions play a crucial role if you desire value for your money. An expert hairstylist can tell if you are using the right hair products and offer alternatives that will help you get the most out of your hair. For instance, if you are using a harmful hair product, a stylist should be able to rectify this.

Cost of Services

It’s essential to get someone who provides services within your estimated budget. Various hairstylists charge differently, and it’s up to the client to find one who fits his/her finances. A professional will ask about your hair concerns and give honest feedback backed with training and experience.

Clients Feedback and Reviews

To get clarity about specialists and the quality of their services, analyze feedback from former clients. If you get recommendations of hairstylists from loved ones, consider asking about their experience and if they liked the results they got.

With the details above in mind, finding the right stylists should feel more natural than before.

clothes displayed in a shop

Finding The Best Brands For Your Clothes

Most people find it a bit challenging when it comes to looking for the best brands that they will go for. Identifying the right brand for your clothes will ensure that you can find good clothes that will serve you right. What most people forget when it comes to the brands that they choose is that brands will always affect the quality of their clothing. While some brands are pretty good and therefore associated with quality goods, some are known to produce poor quality clothes that can actually interfere with your general looks. Here are some of the things that you need to understand about cloth brands.


a female model in whiteWhen it comes to identifying the brands that you will be comfortable with, you need to understand that in most instances, the sizing is always constant. This is not a good thing because people keep changing in shape and size. However, there are brands that understand this and therefore works to ensure their brands meet the specifications of their clients.


You need to make sure that you go for quality brands. One common thing with quality brands is that they are always expensive. However, despite that fact, it is good to take into considerations the fact that cheap is not always good. Expensive brands are associated with durability and also the capacity to give you that feeling of importance.

Identifying the best brand

With so many brands, identifying the right brand for yourself is not always a simple task. However, If you can put the following into consideration, then you will be in a better position of making the right choice.


If you want to identify a good brand that you will be buying your outfits from, then it is very important that you do a lot of research. With the presence of the internet, it is very simple to find all their information that you need. It will be advisable if you take your time to compare various brands that you come across. Take time to look at what those who are familiar with those brands think about it. It is also good to have a close look on some of the past fashions that have been designed by the company to see if you will like them.


clothes on mannequin Sometimes it is good to take advice from family members and friends. They are in a better position of providing you with all the first information that you need to make a right decision.